Unterwegs in den Bergen und auf den Wanderpfaden der Welt.

Auf dieser Seite findet ihr Links zu den derzeit veröffentlichten Tourenberichten. Die aktuellen „live“ Berichte von Unterwegs, findet ihr auf der Startseite.

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1 throught on "Touren"

  1. Hello. Let me introduce myself.
    This is Jaeeun Shin of Magazine B in KOREA.
    MagazineB is documentary magazine for well balanced brands.
    And next issue is SUUNTO.

    So I ‘d like to simple interview with Movescount app designers.
    If you accept this proposal, please send me your email address.
    And if possible, Would you please send us 3-4 images of the moments you’ve been in with Suunto with brief description for each.
    It could be a beautiful scenery you’ve seen, a selfie you took during gym session or any other kind of moments that you’ve share with your Suunto.
    (It will be very much appreciated if you could send them in hi-resolutions.)    

    For your better understand about us, I’me attaching the link.
    We would like to hear from you soon.
    Thank you for your time. have a nice day.


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